Primarily established as a construction company in 1973, in Istanbul, Topsit A.S. (Co.) has been representing Xypex Concrete Waterproofing by Crystallization materials in Turkey since 1987. In 1995, Topsit became one of the 12 licenced manufacturers of Xypex Chemical Corporation of Canada who is a leader and pioneer in concrete waterproofing and concrete protection sector. In June 2019, BSI’s Regional Business Development Manager Hanifi Baran delivered Topsit’s certificates to Topsit’s Chairman, Nejat Sonmez joined by Ebru Sonmez and Esra Karahasan.
Nejat Sonmez explains why they chose to work with BSI “BSI was initially chosen by our parent company Xypex and followed by other European licenced manufacturers. So, this was the main reason for us to work with BSI. However, we had been aware of BSI’s quality, reliability, and credibility for quite some years and we are proud to be the first company in Turkey to obtain BSI CPR Certification in our sector”.
Sonmez says, “Our strategy is representing brands that are best quality and highly prestigious. Therefore, it is important to have a global and prestigious certification partner. Besides Xypex, we’ve been also distributing two other pioneer brands from Switzerland which are Proceq Non-Destructive Testing Equipment for concrete since 1987 and Hygolet Hygienic Seats for Public Washrooms since 1997”.
Sonmez adds the benefits of being certified with BSI “Having achieved our certificates with BSI which will enable us to access new markets, we will endure our activities with more confidence and continue to be a reputable manufacturer and distributor in the construction industry. We promote Xypex brand in Turkey and neighbouring Iraq, Syria and CIS countries of the Caspian region as per our licence agreement where the certification is the key for businesses, traders and tenders”.